Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova

Nationality: Bulgaria (Eastern Europe)

Term: 26 January 2006 - 25 January 2015

Elected from: List A on 26 January 2006


Judge as of 11 March 2006, for a term of nine years. Currently Assigned to the Pre-Trial Division. Elected from the Group of Eastern European States, list A.

As a judge of the International Criminal Court, Judge Trendafilova (1953) served as the Judge of Pre-Trial Chambers II and III. Judge Trendafilova was the Presiding Judge in proceedings in the situations of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Kenya, respectively in the cases of: the Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo; the Prosecutor v. William Ruto et al.; and the Prosecutor v. Francis Muthuara et al.

Prior to assuming her office at the Court, Judge Trendafilova advised the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the establishment of the International Criminal Court and served as an expert to the Ministry of Justice and the Parliament of Bulgaria where she chaired the Criminal Division of the Legislative Consultative Council. She chaired the working group which prepared the reform of the Bulgarian criminal procedure in line with European and international standards for efficient administration of justice and protection of human rights (1998-1999). Judge Trendafilova was a deputy district attorney at Sofia District Court (1985-1989) and joined the Bar of Bulgaria in 1995. She represented Bulgaria at the UN Commission for Crime and Criminal Justice (1992-1994). She is a member of the Bulgarian Union of lawyers and a member of the Bulgarian Union of Scholars. Judge Trendafilova was also a Professor of Criminal Justice at Sofia University since completing her PhD in 1984. She has extensive experience in criminal law, criminal procedural law, international criminal law and human rights. She has published widely in the field of human rights law, international criminal procedural law, procedural law and constitutional law.

Past situations and cases:
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 14 March 2006 - 21 April 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 14 March 2006 - 21 April 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 28 March 2006 - 24 October 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 28 March 2006 - 24 October 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 22 April 2008 - 23 October 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 22 April 2008 - 23 October 2008 )
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 24 October 2008 - 19 March 2009 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 24 October 2008 - 18 March 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 24 October 2008 - 19 March 2009 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - Pre-Trial Chamber III ( 24 October 2008 - 18 March 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 19 March 2009 - 29 April 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 19 March 2009 - 28 April 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 19 March 2009 - 29 April 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 19 March 2009 - 28 April 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 29 April 2009 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 29 April 2009 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - ( 29 April 2009 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 29 April 2009 - 18 March 2009 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Walter Osapiri Barasa - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 6 November 2009 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 6 November 2009 - 29 March 2012 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 6 November 2009 - 29 March 2012 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Simone Gbagbo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 20 May 2011 - 22 June 2011 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 20 May 2011 - 22 June 2011 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Charles Blé Goudé - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 20 May 2011 - 22 June 2011 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Sylvestre Mudacumura - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 10 March 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 10 March 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 15 March 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 15 March 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Muhammad Harun ("Ahmad Harun") and Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman ("Ali Kushayb") - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 15 March 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 19 July 2012 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo - Appeals Chamber ( 3 October 2012 - 1 December 2014 )
The Prosecutor v. Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui - Appeals Chamber ( 20 December 2012 - 27 February 2015 )
Situation in the Central African Republic II - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 18 June 2014 - 3 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 )
The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Simone Gbagbo - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 )
The Prosecutor v. Walter Osapiri Barasa - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen - Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Sylvestre Mudacumura - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Muhammad Harun ("Ahmad Harun") and Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman ("Ali Kushayb") - Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Charles Blé Goudé - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 20 December 2014 )
The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 17 September 2014 )
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 30 January 2015 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 18 July 2014 ) (Presiding)
The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)
Situation on Registered Vessels of the Union of the Comoros, the Hellenic Republic and the Kingdom of Cambodia - Pre-Trial Chamber I ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 )
Situation in the Central African Republic II - Pre-Trial Chamber II ( 3 July 2014 - 16 March 2015 ) (Presiding)