ICC Conditions of employment for staff in the Professional category

Salaries and Benefits

Salaries and benefits of all ICC staff are determined within the framework of the United Nations Common System. Salaries and benefits are usually paid in Euros. ICC wages for professional positions consist of a basic salary and a post adjustment element which reflects the cost of living in the duty station.

The ICC vacancy announcements indicate the net annual salary (single rate) at the step 1 of the level of the post. A step-in-grade is granted for each additional year of relevant professional experience beyond the number of years required for appointment at that level. Such years of experience are rewarded by additional steps within the grade up to step VI for levels P-1 to P-4, and up to step 5 for levels P-5 and D-1. In principle, salary increments shall be awarded annually on the basis of satisfactory service. The salary scales for the Professional and higher categories are based on five Professional grades (P-1 to P-5), and two Director levels (D-1 and D-2).

According to the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court staff members are exempt from taxation on the salaries, emoluments and allowances paid to them by the Court. Non-States Parties to this Agreement might not recognize this exemption. All candidates who are subject to taxation by these States should, therefore, clarify this question with their relevant tax authorities. The Court bears no responsibility for reimbursement of taxes thus paid.

Dependency allowances for dependant spouse and/or dependant children are provided.

A rental subsidy may also be granted in some cases.

Relocation and Separation

The ICC usually meets the costs of travel from the place of recruitment to the duty station in the case of new staff members who have been internationally recruited and of their eligible dependants. The ICC also bears the costs of shipping or storing and insuring household effects. The ICC can also arrange initial hotel accommodation.

If your travel to The Hague was authorized by the Court for an appointment expected to last one year or more, you are entitled to an assignment grant. The purpose of an assignment grant is to compensate for the initial extraordinary expenses of moving to a new location, as well as the pre-departure expenses associated with relocation.

Similarly, on separation from the Court, a repatriation grant is payable to staff members who have completed one year or more of service outside their home country, subject to the submission of evidence of relocation away from The Hague.


In order to enter the Netherlands to take up your appointment with the Court, you will need to be in possession of an entry visa stamped in your passport unless you are a citizen of one of the EU Countries. Within one week of your arrival, you will be registered with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Education Grant

If a staff member is residing and serving at a duty station outside his/her home country an education grant may be paid under certain conditions for each child in full time attendance at a school, university or similar educational institution. The amount of the grant per scholastic year for each child will be 75 per cent of the cost of attendance and board subject to a maximum amount of admissible expenses per year and a maximum education grant amount.

A special education grant for disabled children is available to all categories of staff that have an appointment for 6 months or longer.


Annual leave accrues at the rate of two and one half days per month, or 30 working days per year. In addition, there are ten official holidays.

If you serve the ICC outside your home country and are otherwise eligible under the Provisional Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, you will be entitled once in every two years of qualifying service to take home leave in the country of your nationality.

A staff member holding an appointment for one year but less than three years may be granted sick leave on presentation of an appropriate medical certificate, of up to three months on full salary and three months on half salary in any period of twelve consecutive months.

Health insurance

Staff members and their eligible family members may enroll in the medical insurance plan offered by the ICC provided that they meet the eligibility requirements. The premium costs are shared by the staff member and the ICC.

In-house medical facilities

The ICC has a Medical Service which provides occupational health consultations and advice on medical services in The Hague. Travel health information, vaccinations and medicines for mission and home leave travel are also provided.


Staff members holding appointments for six months or longer become participants in the United Nations (ICC) Joint Staff Pension Fund on appointment. Staff members appointed for shorter periods become participants on completion of six months service without an interruption of more than 30 days.

The mandatory retirement age is 65.

The ICC Headquarters

The seat of the Court is in The Hague, The Netherlands. Free parking facilities are available near the ICC building.