A Courtroom Officer is like an air traffic controller. There is a lot happening every second of trial, but we coordinate so everything runs like clockwork.

We receive all orders from judges, dispatch them to all the right staff, and make sure they get the job done correctly and on time.

It takes about 80 staff to make a hearing run, and we coordinate all their activities. So what you see in the Courtroom is only the tip of the iceberg.

Apart from coordinating things behind the scenes, we offer both legal and logistical support directly to everyone in the Courtroom.

We are the guardians of the case files.

Before hearings, we handle all physical evidence, and when Court is in session, we show the electronic versions of evidence on the Courtroom screens.

Most importantly, we make sure redactions are made to protect witnesses.

It's a stressful job. We have only 30 minutes for each redaction that is made, and we are responsible.

Witness protection is always on our minds. But we do it day in, and day out, to help make justice happen.