‘The Protector’ photo story

Security is a vital part of the Court’s operations, ensuring that everyone can go about their work in a safe and secure  environment.

Security is a vital part of the Court’s operations, ensuring that everyone can go about their work in a safe and secure environment.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Working around the clock, every day of the year, Security guards have to be constantly alert and ready to act if need be.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Each move by Security staff is communicated by radio with the Control room operator – without that coordination, Security couldn't do their jobs. Excellent communication. Short lines. Constant cooperation.

‘The Protector’ photo story

We are trained in firearms safety, control and restraint, close protection, fire and evacuation methods, CPR, and more.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Most days it’s all hands on deck, all systems go. On quieter days, we sharpen our skills, focussing on planning, exercising, developing procedures, and trying to improve our activities.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Security is responsible for the surveillance of all six towers of the ICC building, from the behind the scenes labyrinth-like hallways to the 1,200+ workplaces, and of course, the public galleries and Courtrooms.

‘The Protector’ photo story

And of course, for all of the people inside.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Similar to airport security, all visitors must show their passports or valid IDs and go through a security screening before entering the ICC building.

‘The Protector’ photo story

While in the ICC building, detainees are in the custody of ICC Security Officers.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Security Officers escort detainees, for example, from the Courtroom to break rooms during a recess.

‘The Protector’ photo story

The break room has a small table, a toilet and a twin sized bed so the detainee can rest.

‘The Protector’ photo story

On breaks, the detainees can get lunch and meet with their lawyers in a meeting room across the hall from the break room.

‘The Protector’ photo story

Generally, the idea is to ensure the detainees are secure and safe – comfortable, cooperative and healthy – and get everything they are entitled to. The Officers bring them back into the Courtroom on time.

‘The Protector’ photo story

At the end of the day, our work makes a difference.

‘The Protector’ photo story

It’s worth it just to be a small part of this complex and challenging goal set out for the Court, all in the pursuit of justice.