About Defendant
Nationality: Libyan Date of birth: 1978 Function: Commander in the Al-Saiqa Brigade
Accused LastName
Accused FirstName
Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf
Accused Order
Charges: Mr Al-Werfalli is alleged to have directly committed and to have ordered the commission of murder as a war crime in the context of seven incidents, involving 33 persons, which took place from on or before 3 June 2016 until on or about 17 July 2017 in Benghazi or surrounding areas, in Libya as well as Murder as a war crime in the context of an eighth incident which took place on 24 January 2018, when Mr. Al-Werfalli allegedly shot dead 10 persons in front of the Bi'at al-Radwan Mosque in Benghazi, Libya.
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Primary Accused
ICC Original Modified ID
Accused Crime
Accused States
Case Name Colloquial
Phase of Case
Situation Name Colloquial
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Initial Order
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