Réponse de la Défense à la «Second Request to maintain redactions to the identifying and contact information of the intermediaries mentioned in the application of dual status individuals» (ICC-02/11-01/15-126) déposée par la Représentante légale des vict


28 July 2015 | Defence: Laurent Gbagbo | Response

Case: The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé
Situation: Situation in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

Filed during the Trial phase


Document: French (644.83 KB | 10 Pages)

Related documents

6 July 2015, Second request to maintain redactions to the identifying and contact information of the intermediaries mentioned in the applications of dual status individuals (319.04 KB | 7 Pages)
ICC-02/11-01/15-126 | Office of Public Counsel for Victims