16 March 2020 | Office of Public Counsel for Victims | Observations
Case: None (Situation only)
Situation: Situation in the State of Palestine
Filed during the Pre-trial phase
Document: English (684.14 KB | 32 Pages)
ICC-01/18-105-Anx1, Annex 1 to the Observations on the “Prosecution request pursuant to article 19(3) for a ruling on the Court’s territorial jurisdiction in Palestine” on behalf of unrepresented victims
(351.47 KB | 12 Pages)
ICC-01/18-105-Anx2, Annex 2 to the Observations on the “Prosecution request pursuant to article 19(3) for a ruling on the Court’s territorial jurisdiction in Palestine” on behalf of unrepresented victims
(475.86 KB | 18 Pages)
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