27 June 2011 | Pre-Trial Chamber I | Decision
Case: The Prosecutor v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi
Situation: Situation in Libya
Filed during the Pre-trial phase
Document: English (335.11 KB | 7 Pages) | Translation(s): Standard Arabic (219.89 KB | 7 Pages) Russian (298.95 KB | 8 Pages) (190.23 KB | 6 Pages) French (203.62 KB | 7 Pages) Spanish (235.19 KB | 7 Pages) Serbian (226.85 KB | 7 Pages) Georgian (187.18 KB | 8 Pages) Croatian (211.18 KB | 7 Pages) Slovak (205.53 KB | 7 Pages) Greek (modern) (255.63 KB | 8 Pages) Korean (290.54 KB | 7 Pages) Czech (217.83 KB | 7 Pages) Albanian (208.03 KB | 7 Pages) Slovenian (221.15 KB | 7 Pages) Japanese (548.46 KB | 7 Pages) Italian (207.06 KB | 8 Pages) Bulgarian (288.27 KB | 8 Pages) Polish (211.93 KB | 7 Pages) Latvian (240.29 KB | 7 Pages) Portuguese (197.58 KB | 7 Pages) Portuguese (204.69 KB | 7 Pages) German (212.22 KB | 8 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-2-Anx1, Annex 1 to the Warrant of Arrest for Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi
(36.77 KB | 1 Pages)
Related documents
27 June 2011, Warrant of Arrest for Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi
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| Pre-Trial Chamber I