13 juin 2018 | Chambre de première instance III | Décision
Case: Le Procureur c. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo
Situation: Situation en République centrafricaine
Filed during the Réparations/Compensations phase
Document: Anglais (154.09 KB | 3 Pages)
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| Office of Public Counsel for Victims & Legal Representatives of Victims
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| Office of the Prosecutor
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| Trial Chamber III
6 July 2018, Mr. Bemba’s response to the “Order inviting submissions following the Appeals Decision”
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6 July 2018, Prosecution’s submissions on the reparations proceedings before Trial Chamber III
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| Office of the Prosecutor
6 July 2018, Final observations on reparations following the acquittal of Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba
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| Trust Fund for Victims
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| Trial Chamber III
3 August 2018, Décision finale relative à la procédure en réparation
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| Trial Chamber III
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