07 April 2015 | Appeals Chamber | Decision
Case: The Prosecutor v. Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui
Situation: Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Filed during the Appeal phase
ICC-01/04-02/12-271-Anx1, Annex 1 to the Judgment on the Prosecutor’s appeal against the decision of Trial Chamber II entitled “Judgment pursuant to article 74 of the Statute”
(728.51 KB | 24 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/12-271-Anx2, Annex 2 to the Judgment on the Prosecutor’s appeal against the decision of Trial Chamber II entitled “Judgment pursuant to article 74 of the Statute”
(791.06 KB | 38 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/12-271-AnxA, Joint Dissenting Opinion of Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova and Judge Cuno Tarfusser
(784.36 KB | 26 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/12-271-Corr-Anx, Explanatory Note
(485.1 KB | 2 Pages)
Related documents
17 September 2015, Annex A to - Prosecution’s response to Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui’s request for compensation
(119.69 KB | 4 Pages)
| Office of the Prosecutor
24 December 2012, Jugement rendu en application de l’article 74 du Statut
(11.95 MB | 216 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
19 December 2012, Prosecution’s Appeal against Trial Chamber II’s “Jugement rendu en application de l’article 74 du Statut”
(227.7 KB | 3 Pages)
| Office of the Prosecutor
25 December 2012, Judgment pursuant to article 74 of the Statute
(1.47 MB | 198 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
19 March 2015, Requête de la Défense sollicitant la reclassification de ICC-01/04-02/12-273-Conf-Exp
(289.91 KB | 4 Pages)
| Defence
24 March 2015, Ordonnance notifiant l'élection du juge président
(101.8 KB | 4 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
18 August 2015, Ordonnance enjoignant le Procureur à déposer des observations sur la demande d'indemnisation
(87.04 KB | 4 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
18 August 2015, Order instructing the Prosecution to file observations on the Request for Compensation
(135.63 KB | 4 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II
17 September 2015, Prosecution’s response to Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui’s request for compensation
(472.18 KB | 50 Pages)
| Office of the Prosecutor
8 October 2015, Décision relative à la demande du Conseil de Mathieu Ngudjolo sollicitant l'autorisation de déposer une réplique
(120.99 KB | 4 Pages)
| Trial Chamber II