Virtual Training for Counsel
Event with Focus on the Legal Profession |
| Online |

On 16 December 2022, the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “Court”) held a Training for Counsel with the participation of more than 219 lawyers including counsel registered on the ICC List of Counsel, list of assistants to counsel and members of the legal teams currently active before the Court. The training was organised with the financial support of the European Commission.
The sessions allowed participants to deepen their knowledge about defence case preparation and cross-examination, digital forensics and electronic evidence in Prosecution cases as well as psychosocial support provided to victims and witnesses during the proceedings before the Court. Furthermore, participants were able to benefit from the specialised training session dedicated to secondary trauma, its prevention and recovery strategies.
ICC seminars and trainings for lawyers registered on the ICC lists have been an annual activity of the Court since 2004, providing a unique platform to celebrate the contribution of Counsel to the Court's mandate and to engage in mutually beneficial dialogue with the legal profession.
ICC concludes an online Training for Counsel