Seminar on counsel issues

Event with Focus on the Legal Profession |

The Hague | Netherlands (the) | Western European and other States


ICC Seminars and Trainings for Counsel have been an annual activity of the Court since 2006, made possible thanks to funding Netherlands, Belgium and McArthur Foundation, European Commission and the Municipality of The Hague, as well as the Governments of Senegal and Tanzania, in hosting the Sub-Regional Seminars for Counsel.

The overall objectives of the seminars and trainings for Counsel are to contribute to building knowledge and capacity of members of the legal profession and civil society on the ICC's law and procedures, as well as on practices and issues concerning the rule of law; promote dialogue and exchanges of expertise among participants to increase participants' legal expertise in international criminal and humanitarian law; impart specific legal and procedural skills used at the Court; and facilitate sharing of experience, best practices and networking.

As part of seminars, ICC Counsel participate in consultations on matters relevant to the work of Counsel before the Court and receive updates on matters relevant to the work of Counsel in the Court's proceedings. For those Counsel who participate in the training, focus is placed on such topics as: procedural and practical issues facing counsel representing the defence or victims before the Court; challenges of conducting international criminal investigations; intricacies of victim advocacy; the Crime of Aggression; the role of the Counsel appointed to assist a witness, suspect or another person interrogated by a party in proceeding, or by the Court; applicable laws in relation to interrogation; interaction with clients before and assistance to clients during an interrogation, in relation to investigation and process; the role of the lead defence Counsel and the applicable deontological rules in relation to the investigation and the submission of evidence during the process; the deontological rules in questioning of witnesses; and preparing a witness for examination and cross examination before the Court. In general, up to 200 Counsel and others from the legal profession participate in the Seminars for Counsel, while between 100 – 160 Counsel participate in the Trainings for Counsel.

Through specific judicial events and activities, the Court seeks to increase awareness and enhance cooperation with national judicial actors and the legal profession in general. Some of the overall goals are to promote the specialisation and training of lawyers in the law of the Statute and the Rules as per Regulation 140 of the Rules of the Registry, promote dialogue and exchange of expertise, foster a sense of community, increase awareness and support for the Court amongst national, regional and international judicial institutions, as well as develop knowledge and skills, share mutually relevant information, and build and maintain operational and technical relationships with bar associations and the ICC listed Counsel, thus providing a forum for consultations with the legal profession.

Training for Counsel