Seminar on Cooperation in The Hague with national focal points
Technical Event to Enhance Cooperation |
The Hague | Netherlands (the) | Western European and other States

On 21-24 January 2019, the sixth Seminar on Cooperation with national focal points took place at the seat of the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "the Court") in The Hague, The Netherlands. For four days, a number of officials and focal points from States where investigations are being conducted – the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, the Central African Republic, Libya, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Georgia – met with Court officials and staff to discuss cooperation with the ICC and share good practices. Representatives from other States, including Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Liberia, Moldova, Niger, Tanzania, Tunisia, and Qatar, also attended, along with the Ambassador of Senegal in The Hague as co-facilitator for cooperation of the Assembly of States Parties.
ICC technical events focus on enhancing cooperation at operational levels amongst senior legal officials and other experts in Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Justice, Ministries of Interior, as well as regional and international organisations, so as to allow the Court to carry out its mandate in an efficient and effective manner. In this regard, the Court’s technical events are specific in nature, focusing in particular on technical issues such as victim and witness protection, cooperation agreements, investigations, freezing of assets, arrest and surrender, enforcement of sentences, implementing legislation, ratification of the Rome Statute, strategies and policies, and the role of national experts in international criminal justice matters.