ICC-NGO Roundtable Meetings, 20-24 May 2019
Technical Event to Enhance Cooperation |
The Hague | Netherlands (the) | Western European and other States

The ICC-NGO Roundtable Meeting took place from 20 to 24 May 2019 at the seat of the International Criminal Court, as part of the ongoing dialogue between the Court and civil society.
Civil society organisations played a key role in advocating for creating the ICC. NGOs continue to be important intermediaries for the Court in helping to raise awareness about the ICC worldwide and advocating for universal adoption of the Rome Statute.
This event was organised with the support of the European Commission.
ICC technical events focus on enhancing cooperation at operational levels amongst senior legal officials and other experts in Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Justice, Ministries of Interior, as well as regional and international organisations, so as to allow the Court to carry out its mandate in an efficient and effective manner. In this regard, the Court’s technical events are specific in nature, focusing in particular on technical issues such as victim and witness protection, cooperation agreements, investigations, freezing of assets, arrest and surrender, enforcement of sentences, implementing legislation, ratification of the Rome Statute, strategies and policies, and the role of national experts in international criminal justice matters.