ICC holds Retreat with African States Parties in Addis Ababa
Regional Cooperation Seminar |
Addis Ababa | Ethiopia | African States
On 12 June 2019, the International Criminal Court (ICC) convened a Retreat with African States Parties to the Rome Statute in Addis Ababa with the participation of the Office of Legal Counsel of the African Union and the ICC Trust Fund for Victims (TFV). The purpose of the Retreat was to continue promoting open and frank dialogue and in-depth discussions relating to the mandate and activities of the ICC in the fight against impunity for the gravest crimes as listed under the ICC Rome Statute.
The ICC’s High-Level Regional Cooperation Seminars aim to enhance cooperation with the Court by increasing understanding about the ICC’s cooperation regime amongst the invitees; promoting dialogue and efforts towards universality of the Rome Statute; and reinforcing high-level and technical-level contacts and partnerships amongst the Court and key interlocutors. Target audiences include Heads of State, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Justice, and senior officials in charge of operational issues related to the ICC and/or international judicial assistance in criminal matters.