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Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman at the opening of his trial at the ICC on 5 April 2022 ©ICC-CPI
In ICC custody

Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman was transferred to the ICC's custody on 9 June 2020, after surrendering himself voluntarily in the Central African Republic. The initial appearance of Mr Abd-Al-Rahman before the ICC took place on 15 June 2020. According to the Prosecution's submission of the Document Containing the Charges, Mr Abd-Al-Rahman is suspected of 31 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed between August 2003 and at least April 2004 in Darfur, Sudan. The confirmation of charges hearing took place from 24 to 26 May 2021. 

On 9 July 2021, Pre-Trial Chamber II confirmed all the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity brought by the Prosecutor against Ali Muhammad Abd-Al-Rahman and committed him to trial.

On 5 April 2022, the trial in this case opened before Trial Chamber I and is currently ongoing. 56 witnesses appeared in the courtroom during the presentation of the Prosecution’s case and the Prosecution has finished presenting its evidence. On 19 April 2023, during a public hearing, the Trial Chamber rejected the Defence’s request in the Abd-Al-Rahman case to acquit the accused from 4 out of the 31 counts against him. The common legal representatives of the victims made their opening statements and called their witnesses on 5 to 7 June 2023. 

Next steps: Victims are scheduled to present their views and concerns in the Courtroom on 16 and 17 October 2023. The Defence is scheduled to make opening statements and start presenting its case on 18 October 2023. 

Questions and Answers on the opening of the trialEnglish, Arabic

Al Bashir

At large

The first warrant for arrest for Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir was issued on 4 March 2009, the second on 12 July 2010. The suspect is still at large.

Next steps: Until Omar Al Bashir is arrested and transferred to the seat of the Court in The Hague, the case will remain in the Pre-Trial stage. The ICC does not try individuals unless they are present in the courtroom.


Al Hassan

In ICC custody

The warrant of arrest for Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud was issued on 27 March 2018. He was surrendered to the ICC on 31 March 2018. He is in the Court's custody. The confirmation of charges hearing took place from 8 to 17 July 2019. On 30 September 2019, Pre-Trial Chamber I issued a confidential decision confirming the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity brought by the Prosecutor against Mr Al Hassan and committed him to trial. The redacted version of the decision was published on 13 November 2019. On 23 April 2020, Pre-Trial Chamber I partially granted the Prosecutor's request to modify the charges against Mr Al Hassan; the redacted version of this decision was published on 11 May 2020. The trial opened on 14-15 July 2020, including with the opening statement of the Prosecutor. 

The trial resumed on 8 September 2020, when the Prosecution started to present its evidence and call its witnesses before the judges. 52 oral witnesses were called by the Prosecution at this stage. 

On 8 February 2022, the Legal Representatives of Victims made their opening statements before the judges. From 8 to 10 February 2022, the Legal Representatives called two witnesses to testify.

On 9 May 2022, the Defence of Mr Al Hassan made its opening statement before Trial Chamber X. The first Defence witness started testifying on 10 May 2022. 22 Defense witnesses appeared in court, the last having completed testimony on 3 November 2022. On 6 February 2023, the Defence notified the judges of the closure of its presentation of evidence. On 8 February 2023, Trial Chamber X declared the closure of the submission of evidence in this case and participants were requested to file their final briefs.

The closing statements of the Office of the Prosecutor, the Legal Representatives of Victims, and the Defence are scheduled took place from 23 to 25 May 2023. 

Next steps: The judges have started their deliberations on the proceedings and the judgment will be pronounced in due course. 



On 8 June 2018, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court decided, by majority, to acquit Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo from the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


At large

The warrant of arrest for Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi was issued on 27 June 2011. He is not in the Court's custody. Case also involved charges Muammar Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-Senussi in warrant issued on 27 June 2011. Case against Abdullah Al-Senussi was declared inadmissible on 11 October 2013. Case against Muammar Gaddafi was terminated on 22 November 2011, following his death.

Next steps: The case remains in the Pre-Trial stage, pending Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi's transfer to the seat of the Court in The Hague.

Gbagbo and Blé Goudé


The Blé Goudé case and Gbagbo case were joined on 11 March 2015. The trial began on 28 January 2016. On 15 January 2019, Trial Chamber I, by majority, acquitted Mr Laurent Gbagbo and Mr Charles Blé Goudé from all charges of crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Côte d'Ivoire in 2010 and 2011. On 1 February 2019, the Appeals Chamber set conditions to be imposed on Mr Gbagbo and Mr Blé Goudé upon their release to a State willing to accept them on its territory and willing and able to enforce the conditions set by the Chamber. On 16 July 2019, Trial Chamber I filed the written full reasons for the acquittal of  Mr Laurent Gbagbo and Mr Charles Blé Goudé. On 16 September 2019, the Prosecutor filed a notice of appeal against this decision.

On 31 March 2021, the Appeals Chamber confirmed, by majority, the acquittal decision of 15 January 2019.

Next steps: The acquittal of Mr Gbagbo and Mr Blé Goudé is now final. The Appeals Chamber revoked all conditions on the release of Mr Gbagbo and Mr Blé Goudé. The Chamber directed the ICC Registrar to make arrangements for the safe transfer of Mr Gbagbo and Mr Blé Goudé to a receiving State or States.

Questions and Answers on the Appeals judgmentEnglishFrench

Question and Answers on the acquittal: English, Français

Transcript of the hearing, 15 January 2019: English, Français


Image not available
At large

The ICC warrant of arrest was issued under seal on 18 July 2017. The warrant was unsealed on 21 June 2024. The suspect is still at large.

Next steps: Until Iyad Ag Ghaly is arrested and transferred to the seat of the Court in The Hague, the case will remain in the Pre-Trial stage. The ICC does not try individuals unless they are present in the courtroom.: Until Iyad Ag Ghaly is arrested and transferred to the seat of the Court in The Hague, the case will remain in the Pre-Trial stage. The ICC does not try individuals unless they are present in the courtroom.


At large

The warrant of arrest for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Darfur (Sudan) was issued in this case on 27 April 2007. Ahmad Harun is still at large.

Next steps: Until Ahmad Harun is arrested and transferred to the seat of the Court in The Hague, his case will remain in the Pre-Trial stage. The ICC does not try individuals unless they are present in the courtroom.


At large

A warrant for arrest for Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein was issued on 1 March 2012. The suspect is at large.

Next steps: The case remains in the Pre-Trial stage, pending the suspect’s arrest or voluntary appearance before the Court. The ICC does not try individuals in their absence.



Found guilty, on 7 March 2014, as an accessory to one count of a crime against humanity (murder) and four counts of war crimes (murder, attacking a civilian population, destruction of property and pillaging) committed on 24 February 2003 during the attack on the village of Bogoro, in the Ituri district of the DRC. The judgment is final, as both the Defence and Prosecution withdrew their appeals on 25 June 2014. Sentenced to a total of 12 years' imprisonment; time spent in detention at the ICC – between 18 September 2007 and 23 May 2014 – was deducted from the sentence.

Order on victim reparations : 24 March 2017