Acte d'appel de la decision ICC-02/05-01/20-115 en vertu de l'Article 82-1-b du Statut et de la norme 64-5 du Règlement de la Cour


20 August 2020 | Defence | Appeal

Affaire: The Prosecutor v. Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman ("Ali Kushayb")
Situation: Situation in Darfur, Sudan

Classé au cours de la Pre-trial phase


Document: French (427.3 Ko | 7 Pages)

Documents Connexes

14 août 2020, Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Release (91.66 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-02/05-01/20-115 | Chambre préliminaire II

20 août 2020, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled ‘Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Release’ (1.45 Mo | 3 Pages)
ICC-02/05-01/20-124 | Appeals Chamber

21 août 2020, Decision on the Prosecutor’s request to dismiss appeal brief in limine and Directions on the conduct of the appeal proceedings (1.13 Mo | 5 Pages)
ICC-02/05-01/20-126 | Appeals Chamber

2 octobre 2020, Scheduling Order for delivery of judgment on the appeal of Mr Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 14 August 2020 entitled ‘Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Release’ (1.11 Mo | 3 Pages)
ICC-02/05-01/20-172 | Appeals Chamber

8 octobre 2020, Judgment on the appeal of Mr Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 14 August 2020 entitled ‘Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Release’ (574.76 Ko | 22 Pages)
ICC-02/05-01/20-177 | Appeals Chamber