Press Release: 5 December 2007

ICC - ICC Prosecutor: “Massive crimes continue to be committed in Darfur today, Sudan is not complying with Security Council resolution 1593 and is not cooperating with the Court”


Press Release

ICC Prosecutor: “Massive crimes continue to be committed in Darfur today, Sudan is not complying with Security Council resolution 1593 and is not cooperating with the Court”



Translation: عربي

Today in New York, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, told the United Nations Security Council that the Government of The Sudan is not cooperating and asked the Security Council to send today a strong and unanimous message to the Government of the Sudan, requesting compliance with Resolution 1593, requesting the execution of the arrest warrants.

“Sudan has not arrested Harun and Kushayb” the Prosecutor said.  In his statement to the Council, the Prosecutor reiterated the fact that the Government of The Sudan, as the territorial state, has a legal duty to arrest and surrender Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb to the ICC. 

Massive crimes continue to be committed in Darfur today. All information points not to isolated acts but to a pattern of attacks by Sudanese officials against civilians, in particular the 2.5 million displaced people.

“In Darfur in 2003 - 2004, we witnessed the first phase of the criminal plan coordinated by Ahmad Harun. Millions of people were forced out of their villages and into camps. In the second phase – happening right now in front of our eyes –Ahmad Harun is controlling the victims inside the camps, controlling their access to food, humanitarian aid and security; attacks against the civilians and the displaced in particular take multiple forms; women are raped; emerging local leaders are targeted; the displaced are surrounded by hostile forces; their land and homes are being occupied by new settlers. The rationale is the same as before: target civilians who could be rebel supporters.” 

Victims are left with no hope for the present and no prospects for the future.  This is how entire communities are being destroyed in full sight of the international community. 

Calling it chaos or sporadic violence or inter-tribal clashes is a cover up.

“Harun has been maintained in a position of control over civilians in camps” The Prosecutor said. There is more. As of 18 November, the official website of the Sudanese Government announced that Ahmad Harun has been appointed to the UNAMID national monitoring mechanism group, overseeing the deployment of UNAMID.  The Government of the Sudan is granting more responsibilities to an individual indicted by the Court, in particular responsibilities that will affect the security of peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel. “

“Harun is a key actor in the present crimes in Darfur, but he is not alone.” The Prosecutor said.  “I will investigate those who bear the greatest responsibility in present crimes, those who actively support him, those who instruct him.  This will be my second investigation in Darfur.   This will be my new case. “ 

“Harun must be removed from office, arrested and surrendered to the Court. This will break the system.  Until he is arrested and surrendered to the Court, crimes coordinated by Harun will affect delivery of humanitarian assistance, threaten peacekeepers and international personnel.” the Prosecutor said.  “As long as Harun remains free in Khartoum, there will be no comprehensive solution in Darfur”. 

“Today, we have a new tool, a permanent Court.  It is an opportunity to use the law to prevent atrocities.” It is the only realistic, pragmatic solution for Darfur.

The Prosecutor also informed the Security Council that he will investigate attacks against the AU and UN peacekeepers, including by rebel forces. This will be his third investigation in Darfur.

The International Criminal Court is an independent, permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes if national authorities with jurisdiction are unwilling or unable to do so genuinely.   The Office of the Prosecutor is currently investigating in four situations:  The Democratic Republic of Congo, Northern Uganda, the Darfur region of Sudan, and the Central African Republic, all still engulfed in various degrees of conflict with victims in urgent need of protection. 

05.12.2007 -
 Sixth Report of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to the UN Security Council pursuant to UNSC 1593 (2005)

05.12.2007 - Statement of Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo to the United Nations Security Council pursuant to UNSCR 1593 (2005)

For more information, please contact:

In New York

Florence Olara, OTP Public Information Coordinator
+31 (0) 6 5029 4476 (mobile)
Email: [email protected]

In The Hague:

Ms Nicola Fletcher, OTP Media Liaison
+31 (0)70 515 8071, cell: +31 (0) 65 089 0473
Email: [email protected]   

Source: Office of the Prosecutor

Source: Office of the Prosecutor | Contact: [email protected]