Decision on the "Request by the Victims' Representative for authorisation to respond to the 'Defence Request Regarding Prejudicial Comments Made by Victims' Legal Representative Sureta Chana during Closing Statements'"


03 October 2011 | Pre-Trial Chamber II | Decision

Case: The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang
Situation: Situation in the Republic of Kenya

Filed during the Pre-trial phase


Document: English (266.25 KB | 6 Pages)

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1 October 2011, Request by the Victims' Representative for authorisation to respond to the "Defence Request Regarding Prejudicial Comments Made by Victims' Legal Representative Sureta Chana during Closing Statement" (240.43 KB | 4 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/11-346 | Legal Representatives of Victims