Response to the Defence request for leave to reply to the “Prosecution’s response to the ‘Request on behalf of Mr Ntaganda seeking partial reconsideration of Decision on Defence preliminary challenges to Prosecution’s expert witnesses’, ICC-01/04-02/06-1


24 March 2016 | Office of the Prosecutor | Response

Case: The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda
Situation: Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Filed during the Trial phase


Document: English (176.1 KB | 7 Pages)

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17 March 2016, Request on behalf of Mr Ntaganda seeking leave to reply to “Prosecution’s response to the ‘Request on behalf of Mr Ntaganda seeking partial reconsideration of Decision on Defence preliminary challenges to Prosecution’s expert witnesses’, ICC-01/04-02/06- (165.28 KB | 5 Pages)
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