Prof. Nadja Long: “Joint Investigations Teams - experiences and challenges”

Guest lecture:

Nadja Long has been a Lecturer at the European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, EIPA's Antenna in Luxembourg, since September 2008. Having obtained a degree in European Law in 1995 and a Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (equivalent Master) in Public International Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University in 1996, Ms Long first joined the legal department of an international bank in Paris. In 2003, she became a Chief Customs Officer in France.

Ms. Long was then seconded firstly to Europol where she worked on financial crimes issues, and then to the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (UN) in The Hague, where she worked as a Special Assistant/Legal Officer under the direct supervision of the Registrar, Director of ICTY. Ms Long returned to Paris to work in the Customs Intelligence and Investigations Directorate, where she was Head of Projects before joining EIPA. Within EIPA, Mrs. Long is project leader for all questions relating to EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters and law enforcement cooperation.

After the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Nadja Long has written an ad hoc briefing paper on Implementation at an EU and a national level of the European arrest warrant and joint investigation teams.
The text of this study is available at: (English version)