Response to Submissions on Behalf of Certain Victims Who Participated in the Litigation Under Article 15(4) (ICC-02/17-146-Anx and ICC-02/17-148-Anx)


17 mai 2021 | Bureau du Procureur | Réponse

Affaire: Aucune (Filtrer les résultats par situation uniquement)
Situation: Situation en République islamique d'Afghanistan

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (595.42 Ko | 12 Pages)

Documents Connexes

6 mai 2021, Annex to the Transmission of a “Cross-Border Victim’s response to the Prosecutor’s “Notification on status of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s article 18(2) deferral request” (230.91 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-02/17-148-Anx | Registrar

27 septembre 2021, Request to authorise resumption of investigation under article 18(2) of the Statute (608.7 Ko | 13 Pages)
ICC-02/17-161 | Bureau du Procureur