Filing on behalf of Mr. Abdullah Al-Senussi pursuant to “Decision on additional submissions in the proceedings related to Libya’s challenge to the admissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi” of 19 August 2013


26 août 2013 | Défense | Transmission

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi et Abdullah Al-Senussi
Situation: Situation en Libye

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (236.05 Ko | 15 Pages)

Documents Connexes

19 août 2013, Decision on additional submissions in the proceedings related to Libya's challenge to the admissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi (514.56 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-409 | Pre-Trial Chamber I

4 septembre 2013, Addendum to “Filing on behalf of Mr. Abdullah Al-Senussi pursuant to ‘Decision on additional submissions in the proceedings related to Libya’s challenge to the admissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi’ of 19 August 2013,” and Urgent Applicat (217.67 Ko | 15 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-432 | Défense

11 septembre 2013, Decision varying the time limit for Libya's final submissions on the admissibility of the case against Mr Al-Senussi (331.71 Ko | 8 Pages)
ICC-01/11-01/11-441 | Pre-Trial Chamber I