Prosecution’s Response to the Victims’ “Consolidated observations on the documents in support of the Articles 19(6) and 82(1)(a) appeals and the Prosecution responses thereto” (ICC-01/09-01/11-401 OA3 OA4)


19 mars 2012 | Bureau du Procureur | Réponse

Affaire: Le Procureur c. William Samoei Ruto et Joshua Arap Sang
Situation: Situation en République du Kenya

Classé au cours de la Préliminaire phase


Document: Anglais (220.55 Ko | 7 Pages)

Documents Connexes

12 mars 2012, Consolidated observations on the documents in support of the Articles 19(6) and 82(1)(a) appeals and on the Prosecution responses thereto (763.04 Ko | 31 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/11-401 | Legal Representatives of Victims