Prosecution’s Request for Leave to Reply to the “Response on behalf of Henry Kiprono Kosgey to the ‘Prosecution’s Second Application pursuant to Rules 81(2) and Rule 81(4) for Redactions to Statements of Witnesses and Related Materials to be Relied Up


27 juin 2011 | Bureau du Procureur | Requête

Affaire: Le Procureur c. William Samoei Ruto, Henry Kiprono Kosgey et Joshua Arap Sang
Situation: Situation en République du Kenya

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (173.46 Ko | 6 Pages)

Documents Connexes

14 juin 2011, Response on behalf of Henry Kiprono Kosgey to the ‘Prosecution’s Second Application pursuant to Rules 81(2) and Rule 81(4) for Redactions to Statements of Witnesses and Related Materials to be Relied Upon at the Confirmation Hearing (544.27 Ko | 10 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/11-132 | Défense