Prosecution’s Response to the Defence “Request for Reconsideration of the Decision of the Judges Concerning Judge Ozaki Pursuant to Article 40 of the Rome Statute” (ICC-01/04-02/06-2337)


08 May 2019 | Office of the Prosecutor | Response

Affaire: The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda
Situation: Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Classé au cours de la Trial phase


Document: English (525.77 Ko | 15 Pages)

Documents Connexes

30 avril 2019, Request for Reconsideration of the Decision of the Judges Concerning Judge Ozaki Pursuant to Article 40 of the Rome Statute (562.24 Ko | 21 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2337 | Defence: Ntaganda

13 mai 2019, Prosecution’s Response to the Defence “Request for leave to reply to ‘Prosecution’s Response to the Defence ‘Request for Reconsideration of the Decision of the Judges Concerning Judge Ozaki Pursuant to Article 40 of the Rome Statute’” (ICC-01/04-02/0 (193.37 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2344 | Bureau du Procureur