Decision providing further directions on the closing briefs


13 avril 2018 | Chambre de première instance VI | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Bosco Ntaganda
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (703.42 Ko | 10 Pages)


ICC-01/04-02/06-2272-Anx, Dissenting Opinion of Judge Kuniko Ozaki
Anglais (122.4 Ko | 4 Pages)

Documents Connexes

28 Décembre 2017, Order providing directions related to the closing briefs and statements (558.17 Ko | 7 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2170 | Trial Chamber VI

16 mars 2018, Decision closing the presentation of evidence and providing further directions (247.03 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2259 | Trial Chamber VI

22 mars 2018, Prosecution’s application for reconsideration of a discrete portion of the Chamber’s “Order providing directions related to the closing briefs and statements” (189.26 Ko | 8 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2260 | Bureau du Procureur

3 avril 2018, Prosecution’s Request for a short extension of time to file its closing brief (160.41 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2267 | Bureau du Procureur

26 avril 2018, Request on behalf of Mr Ntaganda seeking an extension of the page limit for the submission of the Defence Closing Brief (414.55 Ko | 8 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2280 | Defence: Ntaganda

4 mai 2018, Decision on Defence request for an extension of page limit for its closing brief (268.01 Ko | 9 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2283 | Trial Chamber VI

16 mai 2018, Decision on the Defence request concerning the corrected version of the Prosecution’s closing brief (245.7 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2285 | Trial Chamber VI

21 mai 2018, Request for Extension of Time (360.74 Ko | 6 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2287 | Defence: Ntaganda

24 mai 2018, Joint Response of the Common Legal Representatives of Victims to the Defence “Request for Extension of Time” (209.23 Ko | 11 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2289 | Office of Public Counsel for Victims

13 juillet 2018, Decision on requests for extension of page limit (453.57 Ko | 7 Pages)
ICC-01/04-02/06-2303 | Trial Chamber VI