Judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Trial Chamber I of 8 July 2010 entitled "Decision on the Prosecution's Urgent Request for Variation of the Time-Limit to Disclose the Identity of Intermediary 143 or Alternatively to Stay


13 octobre 2010 | Chambre d’appel | Décision

Affaire: Le Procureur c. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
Situation: Situation en République démocratique du Congo

Classé au cours de la Procès phase


Document: Anglais (1.72 Mo | 27 Pages) | Translation(s): Russian (419.07 Ko | 32 Pages) French (178.22 Ko | 29 Pages) Standard Arabic (362.38 Ko | 29 Pages) Spanish (242.6 Ko | 29 Pages) Chinese (291.51 Ko | 22 Pages)