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Mbarushimana, Callixte

Case closed

Alleged Executive Secretary of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda - Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi (FDLR-FCA, FDLR), at time of warrant. Arrest warrant: 25 September 2010 - Unsealed on 11 October 2010

Charges: five counts of crimes against humanity and eight counts of war crimes allegedly committed in 2009 in the Kivus, the DRC. Charges not confirmed.

Mokom Gawaka, Maxime Jeoffroy Eli

Mokom Case
Case closed

National of the Central African Republic. Alleged former National Coordinator of Operations of the Anti-Balaka.

Arrest warrant: issued under seal on 10 December 2018

​Charges: Directing attacks against the civilian population (as a war crime) murder (as a war crime and a crime against humanity), rape (as a war crime and crime against humanity), directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion (as a war crime), destruction of property (as a war crime), pillage (as a war crime), deportation and forcible transfer (as a war crime and a crime against humanity), severe deprivation of personal liberty (as a crime against humanity) and persecution (as a crime against humanity). On 17 October 2023, Pre-Trial Chamber II terminated the proceedings in the case following the Prosecution’s notice of withdrawal of the charges against Mr Mokom.