Registrar's Report on the Implementation of the Oral Order admitting into evidence and assigning EVD numbers to 47 items tendered during testimony of witness KEN-OTP-P-0747


02 February 2015 | Registrar | Report

Case: The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang
Situation: Situation in the Republic of Kenya

Filed during the Trial phase


Document: English (188.98 KB | 3 Pages)

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2 February 2015, Corrected version of “Registrar's Report on the Implementation of the Oral Order admitting into evidence and assigning EVD numbers to 47 items tendered during testimony of witness KEN-OTP-P-0743” (187.47 KB | 3 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/11-1803-Corr | Registrar