The Prosecutor v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi
The warrant of arrest for Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi was issued on 27 June 2011. He is not in the Court's custody. Case also involved charges Muammar Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-Senussi in warrant issued on 27 June 2011. Case against Abdullah Al-Senussi was declared inadmissible on 11 October 2013. Case against Muammar Gaddafi was terminated on 22 November 2011, following his death.
Next steps: The case remains in the Pre-Trial stage, pending Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi's transfer to the seat of the Court in The Hague.
Pre-Trial Chamber I
Judge Iulia Motoc
Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou
Judge Socorro Flores Liera
Office of the Prosecutor
Nazhat Shameem Khan, Deputy Prosecutor
Nicole Samson, Senior Trial Lawyer
Venkateswari Alagendra
Legal Representatives of the Victims
Situation in Libya referred to the ICC
UN Security Council refers the situation in Libya to the ICC with Resolution 1970.Note: The case began as "The Prosecutor vs. Abdullah Al Senussi and Saif Al Islam Gaddafi", however, Pre-Trial Chamber I decided the case against Mr. Senussi was inadmissible due to ongoing court proceedings in Libya.
Investigations begin in Libya
OTP opens investigations in Libya, makes public announcement.
Arrest warrants requested
OTP submits application to Pre-Trial Judges requesting arrest warrants for 3 suspects: Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi (Mr Muammar Gaddafi), Abdullah Al-Senussi (Mr Al-Senussi) and Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (Mr Gaddafi).Press releasePhotographs
Arrest warrants issued
Pre-Trial Judges issue arrest warrants for Mr Muammar Gaddafi, Mr Al-Senussi and Mr Gaddafi. Decision on the "Prosecutor's Application Pursuant to Article 58 as to Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar GADDAFI, Saif Al-Islam GADDAFI and Abdullah AL-SENUSSI"Warrant of Arrest for Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar GaddafiWarrant of Arrest for Saif Al-Islam GaddafiWarrant of Arrest for Abdullah Al-Senussi Press release
Proceedings against Mr Muammar Gaddafi terminated
Pre-Trial Judges terminate proceedings against Mr Muammar Gaddafi following his death.Press release
Admissibility of Gaddafi case challenged
The Government of Libya challenges the admissibility of the case against Mr Gaddafi.
Admissibility of Al-Senussi case challenged
The Government of Libya challenges the admissibility of the case against Mr Al-Senussi.
Decision: Gaddafi case admissible
'News from the Court' programme, 31 May 2013
Pre-Trial Chamber I rejects the challenge to admissibility.Press release
Decision: Al-Senussi case not admissible
Pre-Trial Chamber I finds case inadmissible before the ICC.Press release
Defence appeals decision in Al-Senussi case
The Defence appeals the Pre-Trial Chamber I’s decision on the admissibility of the case against Mr Al-Senussi, and request for suspensive effect
Appeals confirms admissibility of the case against Mr Gaddafi
The Appeals Chamber confirms Pre-Trial Chamber I's decision.PhotographsPress release
Appeals upholds decision; Al-Senussi case is not admissible
Appeals upholds decision; Al-Senussi case is not admissiblePress release
UNSC notified of non-cooperation
Pre-Trial Chamber I issues a finding of non-compliance by the Government of Libya with respect to the non-execution of two requests for cooperation transmitted by the ICC, and decides to refer the matter to the UN Security Council.Press release