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Lukwiya, Raska

Case closed

Deputy Army Commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), at time of warrant. Arrest warrant: 8 July 2005

Charges: one crime against humanity and three war crimes allegedly committed after 1 July 2002 in northern Uganda. Case against him terminated on 11 July 2007, following his passing. Case also involved Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Okot Odhiambo. Proceedings against Okot Odhiambo were also terminated due to his passing.

Mudacumura, Sylvestre

At large

Alleged Supreme Commander of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda, at time of warrant. Arrest warrant: 13 July 2012

Charges: nine counts of war crimes: attacking civilians, murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, rape, torture, destruction of property, pillaging and outrages against personal dignity, allegedly committed between 2009 and 2010, in the context of the conflict in the Kivus, in the DRC

Odhiambo, Okot

Case closed

Alleged Deputy Army Commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), at time of warrant. Arrest warrant: 8 July 2005 - Unsealed on 13 October 2005

Charges: two counts of crimes against humanity: murder and enslavement; and eight counts of war crimes: murder, intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population, pillaging, and forced enlistment of children, allegedly committed after 1 July 2002 in northern Uganda. Case against him terminated on 10 September 2015, following his passing. Case also involved Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti and Raska Lukwiya. Proceedings against Raska Lukwiya and Vincent Otti were also terminated due to their passing.

Otti, Vincent

Case closed

Alleged Vice-Chairman and Second-in-Command of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), at time of warrant. Arrest warrant: 8 July 2005 - Unsealed on 13 October 2005

Charges: 11 counts of crimes against humanity: murder, sexual enslavement, inhumane acts of inflicting serious bodily injury and suffering; and 21 counts of war crimes: inducing rape, intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population, forced enlistment of children, cruel treatment of civilians, pillaging, and murder, allegedly committed after 1 July 2002 in northern Uganda. Case against him terminated on 17 November 2023, following his passing. Case also involved Joseph Kony, Raska Lukwiya and Okot Odhiambo. Proceedings against Raska Lukwiya and Okot Odhiambo were also terminated due to their passing.