Statement: 4 May 2018 |

Statement by the ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, at the conclusion of her visit to the DRC: “The fight against impunity and the critical prevention of crimes under the Rome Statute are essential for social stability”

ICC Prosecutor, Mrs Fatou Bensouda, meets with President H.E. Joseph Kabila, senior government officials, civil society, CENCO, opposition parties and media in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

I have just concluded my visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). I had fruitful discussions with the Head of State, H.E. Mr Joseph Kabila, and the Congolese political and judicial authorities on important issues such as the situation in the country, the incidents of violence, the status of national judicial proceedings, cooperation and the activities of my Office. I also met with representatives of the National Episcopal Conference of the Congo (CENCO), political parties, civil society, the media and other partners to discuss issues relating to the situation in the DRC and the activities of my Office.

This visit follows on my previous statements, wherein I expressed my concerns regarding the critical situation and the episodes of violence reported to me, in particular episodes in Kinshasa, Béni, the Kasaï provinces and other regions of the country. I also expressed my concerns about acts observed on these occasions which could allegedly constitute crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

I thus requested the Congolese authorities to take all necessary measures to conduct genuine investigations so as to shed light on the alleged abuses and bring to justice all perpetrators involved. Indeed, the primary responsibility of national authorities is to conduct genuine investigations to bring to light these allegations, as set out in the Rome Statute, which was ratified by the DRC.

The fight against impunity and the critical prevention of serious crimes under the ICC Rome Statute are essential for social stability. It is vital that effective national proceedings be carried out against those responsible for such crimes, which have disrupted this stability. The appeals made by many victims must be heard so that justice is rendered to them.

I have discussed at length with the national authorities the country's current situation as well as the status of progress on investigations and national prosecutions against the alleged perpetrators of criminal acts committed in the DRC. The Congolese authorities have made progress in the fight against impunity, and we have taken note accordingly, including in the course of the discussions my Office regularly maintains with the competent national authorities. I therefore commend these efforts and encourage the authorities to further strengthen them so that all those responsible on all sides for these alleged heinous crimes should face justice. My Office shall continue to communicate with the Congolese authorities and other relevant partners within the framework of continuous assessment and strengthening of national capacity and proceedings, in accordance with the principle of complementarity.

The fight against impunity also includes prevention, which is an essential dimension of justice. I invite all stakeholders and parties concerned to continue working so that, during such difficult times, when the risk of grave crimes is very high, adequate measures are implemented to prevent their commission at all costs. This is the responsibility of all, because the commission of crimes under the Rome Statute is not an option. It cannot be tolerated, no matter the motive, the perpetrators or their roles. The Rome Statute is clear on this point, and as Prosecutor, it is my duty to unequivocally recall that any person who commits, orders, incites, encourages or contributes in any other way to the commission of crimes under ICC jurisdiction is liable to prosecution.

Here on Congolese soil, I would like to reiterate my call to the Congolese authorities and people to do their utmost to prevent and avoid all criminally violent conduct that is punishable by the Rome Statute, under all circumstances and at all times. It is imperative that every action and activity throughout the territory of the DRC, irrespective of their actors, nature or form, be conducted with restraint and a sense of responsibility.

The work of my Office continues in the DRC. We shall keep monitoring the situation on the ground very closely and with great care, and maintain discussions with all relevant parties, including the civilian population, the Congolese authorities, all stakeholders and civil society. We are more determined than ever to support and strengthen efforts and capacity to prevent criminal violence, and we shall not hesitate to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed in the DRC, in accordance with the principles of complementarity and cooperation set out in the Rome Statute.

The DRC has always offered extraordinary support and cooperation to my Office. I would like to express my gratitude to the Congolese authorities for this support and for their adherence to the principles and values of the Rome Statute, which they have ratified. I am confident that we can always count on the cooperation of the Congolese authorities in our activities in the DRC.

In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Congolese authorities and people for the warm welcome extended to us, and to recall my Office's steadfast determination to pursue its activities in the DRC to fight impunity and bring justice to victims.

The ICC's Office of the Prosecutor conducts independent and impartial preliminary examinations, investigations and prosecutions of the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Since 2003, the Office has been conducting investigations in multiple situations within the ICC's jurisdiction, namely in Burundi; the Central African Republic (two distinct situations); Côte d'Ivoire; Darfur, Sudan; the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Georgia; Kenya; Libya; Mali; and Uganda. Pre-Trial Chamber II of the Court is seized of the Prosecutor's request for authorisation to commence an investigation into the situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The Office is also conducting preliminary examinations relating to the situations in Colombia; the Gabonese Republic; Guinea; Iraq/UK; Nigeria; Palestine; the Philippines, Ukraine and Venezuela.

[email protected]

Procureur wa CPI, Mme Fatou Bensouda, akutanaki na Son Excellence, Mokonzi ya mboka, Joseph Kabila, na bakambi minene ya mbula matali, société civile, CENCO, bantoma ya opposition politique mpe bapanzi sango na mboka République Démocratique ya Congo (RDC)

Nawuti kosilisa mobembo mwa ngai na mboka République Démocratique ya Congo (RDC). Nasololaki masolo ya kobota mbuma malamu na Mokonzi ya mboka, Son Excellence Monsieur Joseph Kabila, na bakonzi ya Congo ya politiki na ya bosembo likolo na makambo ya ntina oyo etali mobulu oyo ezali kosalema na kati ya mboka, ezaleli ya makambo na bosembo awa na mboka, mosala mwa elongo mpe misala ya bureau na ngai. Nasololaki na bantoma ya Conférence Episcopale Nationale du Congo (CENCO), bantoma ya ba partis politiques, ya société civile, ya bapanzi sango, na baninga mosusu, to sololaki na makambo oyo etali RDC na kisala ya bureau na ngai.

Mobembo oyo asalemi mpona kolandela masakoli na ngai ya liboso. Nalobelaka kotungisama na ngai, na oyo etali ezaleli mabe mpe na bileko bya mobulu oyo esalemaki  mingi mingi na Kinshasa, na Beni, na kati ya bituka bya Kasaï mpe na bisika mosusu na kati ya mboka. Nalobelaki mpe makanisi mingi oyo nazali nango tango totali makambo oyo ezalaki kosalema na tango wana, oyo elobamaki ete ekoki kozala mbeba oyo ezali na nse ya bokonzi ya Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI).

Natikalaka koyebisa bakonzi ya mboka Congo mpo ete bazua makoki oyo esengeli mpo ba enquêtes ya solo solo esalema mpo ete mwinda emonana na kati ya mobulu wana mpe kofunda na bosembo bato nyonso oyo bazali na kati ya bosali makambo wana. Wana ezali kasi botali bwa liboso bwa bakonzi ya mboka koluka bilembo ya solo mpo ete mwinda emonana na makambo wana, lolenge elobami na Statut ya Roma oyo mboka RDC etiaka mazanka.

Kobundisa kozanga etumbu  mpe kopekisa  mbeba minene ekoki koya na sima oyo ezali na kati ya Statut ya Roma ya CPI ezali ya motuya mpenza mpo bato bafanda kimia. Esengeli mikano ya solo mizwama na kati ya mboka contre bato oyo bazali kosala mbeba wana oyo ebebisaki kimia. Bobengi bwa ba victimes ebele esengeli boyokama  mpo ete bazua bosembo.

Nasololaki tango molai na bakonzi ya mboka likolo na ezaleli ya mboka na tango oyo, mpe esika boluki bilembo ekomi na bolandi awa na mboka ba oyo bamoni nde bakolo mbeba wana ya bobomi oyo esalemaki na mboka RDC. Mwa mosala mosalemi na bakonzi ya mboka Congo mpona kobundisa kozanga etumbu. Tomonaki yango  ata na kati ya masolo oyo bureau na ngai ezalaka nango tango nyonso na bakonzi ya mboka oyo bazali na makoki. Nazali komipesa longonya mpona makasi wana. Nazali kolendisa bakonzi batia lisusu molende makasi mpo ete bakolo mbeba ya mabe oyo elobami na bisika ebele basamba likolo ya makambo na bango liboso na bazuzi. Bureau na ngai ekokoba kosolola na nzela wana mpona kotala esika nini makambo ekomi, mpe kolendisa makoki mpe misala na kati ya mboka, na bakonzi ya mboka Congo na baninga mosusu oyo bazali kosala mosala mwa ntina, na nzela na mobeko mwa bosungani.

Kobundisa kozanga etumbu ezali mpe kopekisa oyo ekoya sima, oyo ezali mosala monene mwa bosembo. Nazali kobenga ba oyo nyonso bazali kosala mpe baye bazali na kati ya makambo oyo bakoba kosala mpo ete, na tango ya pasi oyo ezali kopesa nzela na bosalemi bwa makama ya mbeba minene, mikano oyo esengeli ezuama mpona kopekisa na lolenge nyonso bosalemi bwa mbeba ya boye. Ezali likonzi lya bato nyonso, mpo ete bosalemi bwa mbeba oyo ezali na kati ya Statut ya Roma ezali na nzela te;  ekoki kondimama te, ata soki ewuti epayi wapi, mpe ata soki esalemi na moto ya lolenge nini. Statut ya Roma ezali polele, mpe ngai lokola Procureur, ezali mosala na ngai kobeta sete polele : Moto nyonso oyo akosala, akotinda, okosengenia akolendisa to akopesa maboko na lolenge nyonso na bosalemi bwa mbeba oyo ezali na nse ya bokonzi ya CPI akoki kafundama.

Awa na mabele ya mboka Congo, nalingi nazongela bobengi na ngai oyo nasalaki na bakonzi mpe na peuple congolais mpo ete basala nyonso mpona kopekisa mpe kokima bizaleli nyonso ya mobulu ya bobimi oyo ezali kopesa mokongo na Statut ya Roma, na esika nyonso mpe na tango nyonso. Esengeli ete eloko nyonso, likambo nyonso ekosalema na etando mobimba ya mboka RDC, ata soki esalemi na moto nini, mpe na ndenge nini, esalema na kokanga motema mpe na motema ya bomoto.

Mosala mwa bureau na ngai na mboka RDC mozali kokoba na bokebi nyonso, tokokoba kolanda na pembeni mpenza lolenge makambo ezali kokende na mboka mpe kosolola na baye banso bazali kosala mosala mwa ntina, na kati na bango tozali na populations civiles, bakonzi ya Congo, bato nyonso oyo bazali na kati mpe société civile. Tozali mpenza kotia molende mpona kopesa maboko ya kosunga mpe kolendisa makasi na makoki mpona kopekisa mobulu ya bobomi mpe tokozela ata moke te kolanda bakolo mobulu oyo ekosalema na mboka RDC na nzela na mobeko mwa bosungani mpe boyokani oyo ezali na kati ya Statut ya Roma.

Wuta kala mboka RDC ezali kopesa lisungi mpe kosala na biso elongo mosala mwa ntina mpenza. Nalingi awa kotonda bakonzi ya Congo mpona lisungi wana mpe mpona kotosa mibeko mpe moboko ya Statut ya Roma oyo batiaka mazanka. Nazali na elikya ya kokoba kotiela bakonzi ya Congo motema na mosala tosalaka elongo na kati ya mboka RDC.

Nalingi mpona kosukisa, kopesa matondo epayi ya bakonzi mpe peuple congolais mpona koyamba biso malamu, mpe koyebisa bango lisusu molende ya bureau na ngai mpona kokoba kosala misala na biso na bokebi na mboka RDC mpona kobundisa kozanga etumbu mpe kopesa bosembo mpona kotia makasi na biso mpona kopesa bosembo na ba victimes.

Bureau ya Procureur ya CPI  esalaka mosala ya kotala liboso, ya koluka bilembo na ya kofunda mpona mbeba ya génocide, mbeba ya bobomi bato ebele na mbeba ya bobomi bato na kati ya bitumba na lipanda lionso mpe kokotela moto moko te. Banda mbula 2003, Bureau ezali kosala mosala mwa koluka bilembo na makambo ebele oyo ezali na nse ya bokonzi ya CPI, lokola na Burundi, na Côte d'Ivoire, na Darfour (Soudan), na Géorgie, na Kenya, na Lybie, na Mali, na Ouganda, na  République Centrafricaine (boluki bilembo na makambo mibale ekeseni) mpe na République Démocratique du Congo. Bazuzi ya esambiselo II ya mosala ya kotala liboso bayebisamaki mpo bapesa nzela na kofungola boluki bilembo na makombo ezali kosalema na mboka République islamique ya Afghanistan oyo Procureur atiaki liboso na bango. Bureau ezali mpe kosala misala ya kotala bilembo liboso na makambo etali mboka Colombie, na Guinée, na Iraq/Royaume-Uni, na Nigéria, na Palestine, na Philippines, na République ya Gabon, na Ukraine mpe na Venezuela.

[email protected]

Masakoli ma Procureur ya CPI na sima ya mobembo naye na mboka RDC: «Kobundisa kozanga etumbu mpe kopekisa na ntina mbeba oyo ekoki koya sima oyo ezali na nse ya bokonzi ya Statut ya Roma ezali na motuya mpenza mpo ete bato bafanda kimia.»
Source: Office of the Prosecutor | Contact: [email protected]