Press Release: 18 December 2020

Sweden continues to champion supports for victims through substantial multiannual funding agreement with the TFV


The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) is extremely grateful to the Swedish international development cooperation agency (Sida) for its annual contribution of 1 million Swedish Krona, or approximately close to 1 million Euros, as part of a multiannual funding agreement (2019-2021). As the TFV's biggest donor to date, Sweden continues to show resolute commitment to address the harm suffered by victim survivors of crimes under the ICC's jurisdiction.

In 2019, the TFV and the Swedish Government via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) entered into the second three-year funding programme with at a total value of 30 million Swedish Krona, or close to 3 million Euros. This contribution illustrates Sida's strong support of the TFV as a vital institution working alongside the ICC to provide reparative value to victims within the framework of the Rome Statute. It also exhibits its commitment to promoting, post-conflict recovery and stability, in a gender-sensitive manner. The TFV notes with gratitude Sweden's continued and consistent support since 2006, at a total value of over 10.1 million Euros to date.

Speaking on Sweden's engagement with the TFV, H.E. Mr Per Olsson Fridh, State Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation has said "Through our multi-annual agreement with the TFV Sweden wants to make clear its firm stance against the variety of heinous crimes suffered by victims-survivors in cases that come before the ICC and the impunity that often accompanies these crimes. This agreement also wants to make equally clear Sweden's commitment to ensuring assistance in all forms for the victim-survivors and to send a signal to them that they deserve justice and to live a life in dignity. To this end Sweden calls on States Parties to affirm their commitment both politically and financially to the TFV."

Thanking the Government of Sweden, TFV Executive Director Pieter de Baan said "The importance of our long-standing partnership with Sida exceeds its obviously significant financial value. Sida is a very thoughtful donor. Our continuous discussion enhances the quality of our work and how the TFV lives by its strategic choices and core values."

On 14th December the Government of Sweden co-hosted, with the Government of Ireland and the TFV, a remote side event of the Assembly of States Parties on the topic of "TFV Now and Into 2021: A victim-centred and harm based approach to implementing reparations and assistance programmes."

For more information about the Trust Fund for Victims, please contact: [email protected] or visit:

Source: Trust Fund for Victims